Businesses, property, relationships
See the connections
Get the whole picture
Businesses, property, relationships
See the connections
Get the whole picture
Get better insight on your existing clients, potential clients and the people your clients are dealing with.
Connect the dots and get the whole picture on your client’s business interests, property and relationships.
ClinkID combines live public data from multiple sources into a single intuitive, visual interface. It’s fast, powerful and easy to use.
Spend less time asking your clients for public information you should already have, or searching multiple public registers over and over again.
You’ll be delighted with surprising intelligence on how people, assets and other people are connected.
Our technology works seamlessly to match data across different public registers, so that you can get the whole picture on what a client owns, directly and indirectly, who they’re connected to and how they’re connected.
Search results can be expanded to show linkages. Getting more detail on the people and assets you're interested only takes a couple of clicks.
ClinkID is a big data tool without the big learning curve.
People in the banking, advisory, legal and property sectors are using ClinkID as a smarter, faster way to solve old problems and eliminate everyday information gaps:
ClinkID currently links companies, people and land in NZ. More datasets and exciting new features are in the pipeline.
Free trials are available for banking, legal and advisory professionals.
Get unlimited access to ClinkID for 7 days. No software to install. Start now.